Sunday, 1 November 2009

Labour and Tories up against BNP

It is not that important nationally just yet, that 50 % increase in support for the BNP in a few constituencies. It WILL become VERY important at the national election by next May, however.

Read the excellent but short David Leppard Sunday Times article about why we are increasingly supporting the BNP instead of the traditional Labour and Conservative parties. I know from talking to people that this will be an issue in my own constituency, Islington North. It is shocking that some 'normal' people I know are saying they agree with views expressed by the BNP. What do you think ? Will the BNP have more support at election time ? Does it matter ? Will splitting the Labour vote allow the Tories to get in ?

I am worried and I will do all I can to campaign for a large turnout of voters in my constituency, in the UK elections . . . what do you want to do about the stealthy rise of 'fascism' in our 'more volatile' constituencies ? What happens when the BNP puts up a candidate near where you live ? We have a BNP MEP, and BNP local councillors in London and elsewhere.
Click on the post title to go to Leppard's article.

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