Saturday, 7 November 2009

Metropolitan Special Collection, Photography books in London . . .

It's a local library in Islington, but it happens to have hundreds and hundreds of books, all bought by the Greater London Council and other bodies, and all about photography. Very few people know about it, but I've been telling colleagues about it for years. It is
the Finsbury Library
245 St John's Street
London EC1V 4NB
t. 020 7527 7960
f. 020 7527 7998

To borrow books (luscious huge and not-so-huge photography books) you need only join the library. All you need for that, I believe, is a local library card from wherever you live in London, and you're joined up. MOST of the super books are in the basement (not many people ask for them do they ?), so you'll need to search on-line (once you've got your Islington library card), and order them on-line, and they'll call or e-mail when they're ready to pick up and take away. Yes, I've got a few on my coffee table from time to time. If you really want them to buy a book, they'll consider it, as the collection is not static, but they add to it.

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